Hi, I am the Feet Neeter. I am the owner, maker, editor, filmer and marketer of Feet Neet. This show was originally on youtube before being taken down by a punjabi. I will explain the whole process, BTS and even some hidden details I have never said publicly till now.

Feet Neet came to my mind on January 2nd, 2021. After realising that I can make something funny off my skills I have aquired over my lifetime, I implemented them into my show. It started off rocky and unstable as I didn't write or plan anything so everything that came into fruition was straight off of my mind, and after 1 week, The First Season of Feet Neet was complete. I then sacrificed school and studying for Feet Neet, which at the time was a good idea and now was the BEST Idea I have ever thought of. 

I decided to post my content on youtube which got a decent amount of attention and I felt on top of the world and thought, "NOW WHO'S GONNA STOP ME" but then Youtube had other plans for my arrival and decided to terminate the channel, I tried getting it back up but kept getting shut down which resulted to my website being created.

I am completely fine with everything that has happened as it has lead me to do what I love doing, DOING YOUR MUM.

@2023 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Alberquerque, New Mexico, (Yemen) 87104
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